Tuesday, December 14, 2010

ID Facebook orang Indonesia kok banyak yang aneh-aneh ya?

Aku sudah sekitar setahun ini mempunyai akun facebook. Tadinya aku pikir aku tidak memerlukan situr jejaring sosial untuk tetap keep in touch dengan teman ataupun keluarga. Selama ini aku merasa cukup menggunakan media telephon dan hp. Karena setiap ketemu teman lama selalu ditanya kalau aku punya akun facebook, maka akupun akhirnya menjadi pengguna facebook.

Dan memang Facebook membantuku untuk kembali kontak dengan teman-teman lamaku waktu SMP dan SMA. Hanya dengan mengetik nama orang yang kita cari di kotak search, maka akan keluar nama-nama yang sesuai atau mirip dengan yang kita search. Aku cukup banyak teman di friends listku di Facebook. Fenomena yang aku dapatkan mengenai nama di facebook untuk orang Indonesia ialah bahwa banyak orang Indonesia yang menggunakan nama yang bukan namanya sendiri sebagai nama facebook. Kadang aku sampai harus mikir ini siapa dia, karena menggunakan nama yang untuk keren-kerenan.

Berikut ini nama-nama aneh di friendlistku yang bikin aku mikir siapa sebenarnya mereka ketika mereka add aku. Vania Luph, ’nama’ Luph Mamaz dan sebagainya. Ada lagi yang menggunakan nama idola mereka seperti Cullen (karakter dalam The Twilight Saga) atau pemerannya Pattinson sampai nama yang berupa kata-kata seperti Andai Dia Tahu, Aku Chayank Kamu. Kenapa orang Indonesia (terutama anak muda) suka memakai nama yang bukan nama mereka sendiri? Apakah alasannya? Aku benar-benar penasaran.

Ketika aku tanyakan kepada pemilik akun-akun tersebut ternyata nama-nama tersebut untuk alasan ekspresi. Jadi mereka menggunakan nama facebook sebagai media ekspresi diri. Seperti rasa cinta kepada pacar, anak bahkan kepada artis idola mereka. Coba tengok lagi nama-nama facebook di friend list kamu, pasti ada nama-nama yang aneh. Jangan-jangan punyamu sendiri bukan nama aslimu.

Untuk aku sendiri aku lebih senang dengan namaku sendiri di profile facebook. Aku bangga punya nama tradisional yang diberikan oleh orangtuaku. Dan memakai nama asli akan memudahkan teman-teman kita mencari melalui kotak search. Aku lebih suka memakai blog ataupun media lain untuk berkspresi daripada menggunakan nama yang lain.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tips Belanja Lebaran

Saya mengantar seorang teman untuk belanja di bulan puasa tahun ini. Saya sih cuma ngantar, karena menurut saya lebaran bukan berarti belanja baju, makanan, dan sebagainya yang khas dengan perilaku konsumtif. Lagi pula yang lebih penting lagi dalam Islam nggak ada tuntunannya bagi umat islam untuk merayakan lebaran seperti orang Indonesia merayakan lebaran. Ya budaya mudik, ya perilaku konsumtif.
Tapi karena sudah jadi kebiasaan, ya sudahlah. Berikut ini tips-tips belanja saat lebaran, siapa tahu bermanfaat untuk pembaca.
1. Sebenarnya yang paling oke itu kalo kita nggak ikut-ikutan konsumtif, alias tetap bersahaja. Kan yang penting puasanya. bukan lebarannya. Daripada habisin uang untuk lebaran lebih baik utnuk beramal atau keperluan lain yang lebih diperlukan. First thing first. Toh nggak beli baju lebaran juga kita masih punya baju tahun-tahun lalu.
2. Kalau memang Anda tetap mau belanja, sebaiknya pakai transportasi umum saja bila memungkinkan, seperti becak. Wah parkiran ramai sekali dan seringnya macet. Selain nggak usah parkir ribet, kita juga beramal. kan tambah penghasilan pak becak untuk berlebaran. Pakai motor juga ribet banget karena parkir ramai. Naik taxi juga oke kalau belanjanya banyak.
3. Kalau hunting baju di pasar atau mall sekalipun selalu saja ramai pada saat lebaran. Seperti lautan manusia. Saya sendiri sering gak tahan di keramaian, selain panas karena AC nggak begitu kerasa juga karena sumpek. Nah biar lebih nyaman, sebaiknya pakai pakaian yang nyaman seperti sepatu flat, baju cotton, kaos. Penampilan belanja lebaran bisa di nomer sekiankan. Yang penting nyaman. Dari pada gaya tapi belanjanya nggak nyaman dan kaki pegel karena hi-heel?
4. Belanja nggak usah pakai make up yang tebel biar kalau kepanasan nggak kelihatan aneh. Biar mbak-mbak penjaga stores saja yang dandan habis-habisan.
5. Hati-hati sama tas Anda, apalagi kalau belanjanya di pasar. rawan copet.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Black Magic in the Metropolitan City

thats nonsense.......thats superstition......thats primitive belief...
well i guess that what people in this modern world say if people ask them about black magic.
In Indonesia communities especially in Java that i really know sometimes i heard people died with very strange cause and unusual symptoms.

But here is Surabaya you can see the dead witness of black magic which exist among community. There are interesting collection like indonesian voodoo doll which is called Jaelangkung and nini towok, or rusty nails which were taken from a patient by operation.

Well this museum wasnt built by witchdoctors community but by professional medical organizations. The founder of this museum is DR. Dr. Haryadi Soeparto, DOR, M.Sc tahun 1990.
Other things displayed are ghost map, anti-rapping pants, contraception devices, health spell, old medical tools, fetishes, magical water and many more.

Visiting this museum for me not just to satisfy my curiosity about those superstition but also broaden my knowledge about medical history.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

mangrove tourism at Surabaya

Lokated at the eastern shore of Surabaya lokated mangroves which is now can be a place to hang out and learn about coast ecosystem. Mangroves in this area has now been restored after it has been destroyed by illegal logging and waves.
The admission fee is just Rp.25.000 for adult and Rp. 15.000 for children.
it opens daily until late afternoon.

You will be taken by motor boat to gazebo at the mangrove. From the the pier to Gazebo will take about 15 minutes. On the way to gazebo you can enjoy the clean river with mangrove on the banks of it. Feel the breeze... i feel the breeze very rejuvenating. And you can see seagulls flying showing their pretty white wings sometimes.

The boat will also take you to the estuary of Wonorejo River and the Madura Strait where you can see Suramadu Bridge also if the weather is clear enough.

Once you get off you can see mangrove fish. Pretty interesting that they can walk with their fins to the mud. I think i see crabs too. And what is interesting is that there are birds. i wish i could bring good camera so i can take photograph of them

In Wonorejo has 8 species of mangrove. and in the whole mangrove in Wonorejo, Gunung Anyar and Medoan there are fauna species like grey monkey, 137 aves species, 53 insects, 7 mamals, 18 fishes, 10 herpetofauna (amphibia & reptile) and 7 species of crustacea.

After getting of the boat you can follow the jetty which will give you nice angle to shoot pics. Arriving at teh gazebo you can see strait a head, with ocean breeze blowing. At the gazebo, you can buy food or water that is sold by local people.

As i went there alone and other people were with their groups and they seem just wana sit at the gazebo, i walk thru the mangrove forest. I love the forest but this side hasnt been cleaned yet though the management.
Activities that you can do here:
1. Trekking (if you dont want to go by boat, you can take trekking route from the parking area)
2. Birdwatching
3. Learning/Education
4. Fishing
5. Refreshing

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Surabaya as the second largest city in Indonesia has a very hectic traffic especially in rush hour round 7-8.30 in the morning and afternoon round 4 to 6 sometimes to 7 pm. If you are new here you maybe will think how to commute here.
1. public transport
this is the cheapest way to commute. Surabaya has shuttle line that we call LIN. Probably for every place you are heading too you will just have to get public transport twice. First to Jayabaya Shuttle Station and then from there take other LIN that will take you to where you head to. Do not worry even you dony know which LIN you are going to take, people at the Station will let you know which LIN you should take if you have the address. For each LIN charges Rp.3000.
2. Becak
Becak is pedicap which is avai;able every corner of Surabaya. You will need becak for short route that maybe there is no LIN reach the area. Usually becak will charge you Rp5.000 to Rp.10.000 rupiah, subject to the distance.
3. Taxi
there are many taxi companies here, and taxi is comfy and save way to commute. As always.
4. Ojek
Ojek is motorbike transport that you can hire to take you. Very efficient because motorbike can after cars in traffic jam.
5. Rent Car
If you rent car you will be easier if you need to go out of town. Usually rent cars will provide you with experienced driver that will take you to nice places in the vicinity of Surabaya like Malang or Batu. Rent car can be monthly, 12 hours or daily.
6. Rent Motorbike
Motorbike is very popular mode of transport in Surabaya. As it is cheap and efficient. If you want to stay long anough in Surabaya you can manage to buy one, but if not then better you rent it. Maybe hard to find rent motorbike here, but available personnally.
7. Cycle
Bicycle is the cheapest and most environmentally friendly mode of transport. BUt as Surabaya is very big city with very crowded traffic do not forget to have safety riding by wearing helmet and mask.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Total city area : 326 km2
Population : round 3 million
The hub of eastern Indonesia
Sister City: Seattle (USA), Kochi (Japan), Busan, (South Korea), Guangzhao (China), Marseille (France)

Ethnics in Surabaya:
Javanese : 53 %
Chinese : 25.5 %
Madurese : 7.5 %
Arabuc : 7%
Others : 10%

How to get there:
FROM Frequency Airlines
Kuala Lumpur 4 times/day Air Asia/Merpati/MAS
Johor Baru 1 times/day Air Asia
Singapore 2 times /day Garuda, Value Air
12 times/week Singapore/Silk Air
Hongkong 3 times/week Garuda, Cathay Pacific
BndrSriBegawan 6 times/week Royal Brunei
Taipe 2 times/week Eva Air
3 times/week China Airlines

Facilities in Surabaya:
-Internationalo Airport
-Accomodation ranges from 5 star hotel to homestay
-World Class Convention Center
-Championship Golf Courses
-22 shopping malls with int'l shops

Golf Courses in Surabaya
-Ciputra Golf and Family Club
facilities: 27 holes with club house, and 9 holes night golf
Designed by: Andy Dye
Opened in 1995
-Bukit Darmo Golf
Facilities: 18 holes with club house
Designed by: Jack Nicklaus
Opened in 1994
-Graha Family Golf and Country Club
Facilities: 18 holes with club house
Designed by: Arnold Palmer
Opened in 1995
-Taman dayu Golf Club
Facilities: 18 holes with club house
Designed by: Jack Nicklaus
Opened in 1997
-Finna Golf & Country Club
Facilities: 18 holes with club house
Designed by: Peter Thompson
Opened in 1994
-Pakuwon Golf & Family Club
Facilities: 9 holes with club house
Designed by: Phill Scot & Peter Waddel
Opened in 2002

Friday, July 16, 2010

Unique Surabaya

Surabaya in East Java is a part of javanese culture as it is located in the eastern part of Java Island. Surabaya is popular for its suroboyoan or typical javanese language that is rather direct and frank. Surabaya language is javanese that is influenced by madurese. This language also known as non-refine javanese language. cursing and rude words are common in this vocabularies. Misuh (cursing) in Surabaya is not exactly cursing other people, but it is just because the people are so open and friendly.
This typical of Surabaya Language led creative works for Surabaya typical T-Shirt which is now popular among Surabaya people or domestic tourist visiting Surabaya which is branded its product as Cak Cuk.

(Cursing Dictionary)
A Surabayan - English bad language

Amput: fuck. diamput: being fucked. jamput : being fucked.
Diamput kon iku! You're fuck!
Ancuk:fuck. diancuk: being fucked. jancuk: being fucked. jancuk jaran: fucked by a horse
mbokne ancuk: mother fucker. mbokne ancuk ancene! : You're mother fucker!
Asu: dog. Kon iku asu kok! You are just a dog

Bajingan : scroundel. Bajingan kon iku! You're scroundel!
Bangsat : rascal, scroundel
Bathukmu sempal : your forehead is destroyed
Bedhes : monkey. Bedhes! You're like a monkey!

congok : stupid. Kon iku ancene congok! You're really stupid! Ngok-congok! Fool to you!
cuk : see ancuk. Cuk! Fuck

dengkulmu anjlog : your knee plummet
dobol : asshole. dobol jaran : horse asshole

gathel: glanspenis. nggatheli: peckerish. Cuk, nggatheli! Fuck you, Dick
gegermu mlocot. your back is chafed
gendeng : crazy. Wong gendeng! Crazy man!
gidal : plaque. Gidal ilo! plaque to you.
goblok : stupid. Arek goblok! You're a stupid boy!

Jangkrik : cricket. Jangkrik! Damn it!

kakean cangkem: too much talk. kakean cocot: too much talk. Kon iku kakean cocot! You're just a big mouth.
Kakikmu methel. Your foot frayed. Kakikmu tumpes your foot destroyed

Thursday, July 1, 2010


In Indonesia if you are a foreigner and you want to stay in star hotel, you will be given the rates for foreigner in USD, except if you have KITAS/ working permit. Even hotel voucher in travel agents usually have no rates for foreigner without KITAS. So when you see hotel room rates at travel agents usually there are notes that say : the prices are available for domestic or KITAS holders.
And what you can do to book the hotel if you have no KITAS is go to travel agent and ask travel agent to get hotel rates for foreigner without KITAS. This is only imposed in star hotel only. For small hotel (hotel Melati) in Indonesia there is no difference between rates for foreigner and for domestic tourist.
Contact travel agent for your stay and trip in Indonesia.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Surabaya is rich of cuisins. Any special food from all around the world can be found here. But, sure Surabaya has its own traditional food. Where to find?

Soto Ayam
Soto Ayam Pak Sadi : Jl Ambengan
Soto Ayam Lamongan Cak Man: Jl. Pahlawan
Soto Ayam pak Djayus : Jl Manyar
Soto Ayam Embong Malang : Jl Embong Malang

Soto Daging Madura (Beef Soto from Madura)
Soto Tapak Siring : Jl. Tapak Siring
Soto Gubeng Pojok : Jl. Kusuma Bangsa 30
Soto Bengawan : Jl bengawan, Jl, Ngagel Madya, Jl. Dukuh Kupang
Soto Madura Tapak Siring : Jl Dharmahusada RayaSoto Ayam
Soto Sulung : Jl Sulung
Soto Wawan : Jl. Mayjend Sungkono

Rujak Cingur Sejati : Jl. Raya Sedati Gede No. 66 Juanda
Rujak Cingur Achmad Jais : Jl. Achmad Jais 40
Rujak Soto : Jl. Ngagel Jaya Barat No. 5
Rujak Cingur Delta : Jl Pemuda 33-37
Rujak Cingur Embong Sawo : Jl. Taman Apsari
Rujak Cingur Pasar genteng : Jl Genteng Pojok
Rujak Cingur SK : Jl. Mayjend Sungkono 2

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

MISS Indonesia 2010 and Indonesia

I saw Miss Indonesia live show o TV last night. I have to say the candidates were all pretty, tall, sexy, nice skin and hair and smart too. The were so delighted. Walking on catwalk with wonderful dress and confident.
But when it was reached to the question session for the big 10 contestant, i dont know i feel uncomfortable with this. The host asked the contestant in bahasa Indonesia about how they were doing, 2 or 3 contestants answer in English. I am wondering why they should answer in English? It is Miss Indonesia not Miss America. And i think that it was not necessary to speak English when the judges are Indonesian, the audience is Indonesian, the hosts are Indonesian. Almost everyone speaks English today and taught at school from elementary to high school. And i think speaking English is important for sure, but speak Bahasa Indonenesia is very important too. And respecting Bahasa Indonesia means that we should be proud of it cus this language that united this archipelago which has many different cultures and languages. It was not easy for youngsters in October 28th 1928 to meet in a forum and decided languages that united Indonesia. English is International language and it is necessary to master it, especially to promote Indonesia in international forum. And my opinion, Miss Indonesia should speak Bahasa Indonesia well at the first place and English is an added value, not the opposite.
One more that i noticed from Miss Indonesia 2010 is that there is no traditional constumes from Indonesia maybe batik and kebaya. They just wear international dress. Would be nice if the contestand dress in national dress. Batik is just accepted by UNESCO to be World heritage from Indonesia in Oct 2nd 2009 in France. I think to show that Batik is part of Indonesian culture is by showing this to the world and wear this on our daily life and including to an event like beauty pageant. Imagine if other country include batik costumes in their beauty pageant while it is Indonesian culture? Sure we will not feel comfortable with this and regret this.
Hope this blog will be useful. At least this all i can do to speak up.
Miss Indonesia is great show but sure there is something that we can do to make it better and more Indonesia.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Money Changer in Surabaya

PT Arwita Valutama

Kutisari Tennis Bentre

Jl Kutisari 54-56 Kav 09

Telp : 031-841 2400

Fax : 031-841 6944

PT Arta Asia Pasific

Jl. Karet No. 39 Surabaya

Telp: 031- 352 1200/ 3524808

PT Arta Buana Mitra Niaga

Jl. Pengampon no 37


Telp: 031-353 0162

PT Cahaya Abadi Valasindo

Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan Blok L-11 Surabaya

Telp : 031-501 0108

PT Catursama Adhika

Jl Kusuma Bangsa No 51 A

Telp : 031-531 6731

Telephone of Taxis in Surabaya

Taxi Gold

031-854 5555

Taxi Orenz

031-879 9999

Taxi Zebra

031-841 1111

Taxi Bosowa

031-531 5151

Taxi Surabaya

031-372 1234

Taxi Silver

031- 560 0055

Taxi Garuda

031- 841 1111

Taxi Express

031-841 7878

Taxi Pusaka

031-372 1234

Taxi Merpati

031- 531 5151

Taxi Metro

031- 870 8585

Taxi Surya

031- 847 5500

Taxi Srikandi

031-752 2333

Taxi Supra

031-563 2000

Taxi Citra

031- 592 5555

Taxi Chrisna

031- 766 1111

Cheap Comfortable Hotel in Surabaya

1. Homestay Gayungan

Jl. Gayungan I No. 32

Telp: 031-8287172

Fax : 031-8287174

Standard : Rp. 120.000

Superior : Rp. 130.000

Extrabed : Rp. 50.000

2.Hotel Tanjung Indah

Jl. Embong Cerme No 1

Telp: 031-5353030

Fax: 031-5312291

Ekonomi : Rp. 130.000

Standard: Rp. 150.000- Rp. 200.000

Extrabed : Rp. 50.000

3. Hotel Tanjung Emas

Jl. Flores No. 27-29

Telp : 031-502

Standard Fan : Rp. 100.000

Standard AC : Rp. 130.000 - Rp. 150.000

VIP : Rp. 170.000

VVIP : Rp. 200.000

Extrabed : Rp. 50.000

4. Hotel Tanjung

JL Pang Sudirman 43-45

Telp: 031-5313059

Fax: 031-5312291

Standard Junior : Rp.175.000

Std Senior : Rp. 200.000

STD : Rp. 225.000

SUPERIOR : Rp.250.000

DLX : Rp. 300.000

SUITE : Rp. 350.000

Extrabed : Rp. 80.000

5. DHANESVARA (Tropical Unique Homestay)
Jl. Jemursari Timur JN-15, Surabaya, 60237
Telp. (031) 843 6468 8420968

Jl. Jemursari Selatan VI – 11 Surabaya
Telp. (031) 8411 484/452 Fax (031) 8411 452
Email : sagita.home.stay@gmail.com
Fasilitas : AC, TV, telepon, air panas/dingin, kulkas, sarapan pagi, snack, alat olahraga, dsb.
Price : Rp.135.000- Rp.150.000

Jl. Tenggilis Utara 14, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 60292
Telp. (031) 847 209
Price start from : Rp. 300.000

8. Pondok Asri Homestay
Jl Kalibokor Slt 108
Telp: 031-5682377

9. Padepokan Cahaya Putera
Jl Manyar Jaya I/1
Telp: 5939377

10. Grand Interwisata PT
Jl Darmo Harapan I
Phone: 7329945

11. Mango HOmestay
Jl. Klampis Telp ;031-5948285
Price : Rp.150.ooo
Room Facilities: Flat TV, Hot/Cold water/TWIN/DBL Bed

For more information about hotel in Surabaya you can contact travel agent or tour operator in Surabaya. or get good hotel deal here.

Everything Happens For a reason

I used to think that when people said 'everything happens for a reason' it is just words. Until i contemplated and found that is true. Nothing in this world that happens for nothing. I am sure that we are here in this world not for waste.

When i travelled to Jogja with a friend, we arrived late at night. And we thought that we arrived there too late and we did bad timing management. We thought we would stay at the hotel too short and check out at the next morning, beside there is no more Trans Jogja, cheap public bus that commute in Jogja area. Usually at night the available transport only taxi, becak ( pedicap) and ojek. I could imagine how would it be when we arrived at Jogja bus station. Taxi driver, pak becak and pak ojek will offer us their service and they would tail us if we havent decided yet. And the bus entered the Jogja bus station at 12.10. I was completely right. taxi drivers, pak becak and pak ojek followed us and offer their services. At last we were dealing with pak becak to take us to hotel close to Malioboro. It was quiet far from the station. We agreed to pay him Rp. 35.000. On the way i spoke with the pedicapman. He told me that his children were all died in earthquake in 2006 that hit Jogja. He told us that he was waiting for passengers to ride on his pedicap, but no one would ride. So he said he was lucky that he got us as his customers. That conversation made me think that we were not suppose to regret whatever made us arrive in Jogja too late. We are here too late so this pedicapman can earn money for his family.

My other experience is last time when we would visit a friend, Fury, i Blitar, who's just lost his father. We delayed the date to go over and over again. Then we thought that it could possibly we didnt go to Blitar cus we were to busy manage the day. But then we decided to go on Monday. It was perfect until Neni's family called and said that the roof of the house they just rent last month fell apart and destroy things. The good news is that no one at the house at that moment. Neni said that the roof fell down at 9 am. When usually she took nap after finishing her pastry order till late at night. Lucky her she went to Blitar with us. Everything happens for a reason.

So i now try to always accept whatever come to me. Sure there is something behind this. Why i didnt continue my study after my hi-school, why i was born from farmer family, why.. why.. and so many other whys.

I know God has beautiful reasons that those things happens in my life.

Friday, May 21, 2010


My friend's father died this month so i and 4 other friends visited her to show our condolences. We rent a car and depart in the morning. My friend's house is in Blitar, and it takes 4 hours from Surabaya to get there.

Her house was in a village in Bacem. Very tranquil, green, and windy. And the houses are not like in Surabaya. They are usually bigger with large garden full of trees of fruit, papaya, pepper, or spices. for me i love the atmosphere so much. I am thinking of spending my old time in small village like this. This is the first time i visited Blitar and i love this place alot, especially my friend's village.

As one of my friend's is from Tulungagung, so we stopped by at his house in Tulungagung. We went to the city park of Tulungagung. This park is designed with interesting landscape. I love the fountain in the middle of the park. And the pigeon everywhere. And other interesting thing is that the park path is completed with path for feet reflexion when you step on it. I think my father will love to step on that path everyday and will make him healthier. Also for me too.

When we arrived at Kediri on the way back to Surabaya it is already 5.30 o'clock. We stopped by to see Simpang Lima Gumul. Although the bulding erchitecture similar to "L'arch De Triomphe" in France, this monument is inspired by Jongko Joyoboyo, Kediri KIng in 12th century that united 5 area in Kediri. I think the architecture looks like mediteranean, only that the relief on the wall show the culture of Kediri, such as farmers. And at the corner of the monument also placed Ganesha. I dont know why ganeshas are placed there. I heard in weekend this monument is full of visitors. And sometimes performed local entertainment.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Last month i lost my wallet in the market in Surabaya. I didnt notice this until the time when i was about to pay a blouse. Though not much money in the wallet, i feel so iritated and feel the loss. My old and mobile that is broken in the screen was lost also as i put it in the wallet. And the ATM card, ID card, other important name card.

This is what i faced because this incident. to regain my ATM, i had to get my ID Card and Statement from police dept that i lost it. To get ID i had to return to Wonosobo which is 12 hours by bus from Surabaya. Luckily my mother made that for me and get this for me when she visited my brother. At last i can get my ATM again, my ID. BUt i can not get my old mobile back, i need the important number there from my friends, business partners. Stupid of me i didnt make other copy of phone numbers in my mobile. And to get same mobile number, it is easy though we should wait in long queue.

What should you do to avoid those complicated thing something like this happen to you? i have the tips. Though i hop you wont experience losing wallet like i did.

1. Do not bring your you original ID card, but bring the copy. Make few copy of your ID. and leave the real ID save at home.

2. If it is not necessary do not bring ATM. Like to nearest market.

3. Beware of pickpocket, dont wear handbag. Wear bag with long rope so you can put it in front of you to watch. And it will be saver if you wear cargo trousers where you can putt wallet/money at the pockets on front of your knee.

4. Make copy of important phone numbers to notebook.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


have you ever bought things from door to door marketer? i usually am not interested to buy things from them. But few months ago there was a sales promo girl came in to my campuss and offered me watch product. The watch is just one but it has 6 twines from many different collors, like green, purple, black, pink, white and blue. the twines are easily attached to the watch. Those colors are cute and so attractive that we can change the twines. When i wear blue i can wear blue twines watch. Green dress with green watch. HMmm you see, it is so tempting for women. Beside this sales girl was well trained. So i finally bought the watch in pink box for Rp.100.000 and it is guaranteed for 1 year. I didnt have enough money but hmmmm i cant take the risk of not buying this trendy watch. ha ha ha.

After a month i found out that one of the watch ring, the green one could not attached well to the watch and when i wore it with my fave green dress. It was fit at the beginning but when i arrive in campus they fell apart. And one of the hand was broken. I decided to go to the office as it is guaranteed. But when i told the office man about this matter, he said that he had no more supply for the watch and that he suggested me to bring it to the watchman. I could not take this, but what can i do? I went to the watchman and to fix it it will cost Rp.20.000. Hmmmmmm

So, be careful when you buy things from sales person. This is what you should remember this:
1. Is the product really guaranteed?
2. Take a look at the product carefully, make sure the the product is in good condition

3. Make sure that the office product is close to where you live.

Monday, May 3, 2010


one thing that is very hard for me admit is that i do not ride motorbike. I am afraid of this mode of transport because i am afraid i cant it in a hectic highway of Surabaya. And in front of my parents' house in Wonosobo it could be two motorbike accidents in a day. i saw blood flowing on highway often. My mother said we need first aid kit at home cause so we can give aid to those who injured right away.

I ride bicycle pretty well. i never had it but my cousin who once lived with us as a cycle that me and my brother can borrow, before thief stole it in the middle of the night when we just moved to new house.

Since i am in Surabaya i go out with friends sometimes, and if i work i go by public transport. Having no motorbike is like lame. You could not go anywhere easily because public transport is poor. I find commuting by public transport is expensive. i once work in Juanda area which took 4 times public transport, that i make it 3 times or 2 times to save up money by walking to the nearest route. Imagine if i had to take 4 times everyday. NO more money left to eat.

I bought second hand bicycle for Rp.200.000. the price is so and so, but at least i can ride this to places in the vicinity. Last Sunday i brought my bicycle to Mangrove Ecotorism. I hadnt been there, so i thought i wanted to do little observation about this place as i would make research for my thesis.

I prayed before hitting the road. Pretty scary to go by bike in a crowded hectic road. I didnt wear helmet, cus i dont have and only motorbike passangers should wear helmet here. Though i felt insecure about this i kept hitting the road. Sometimes motorbikes passing me very quick that make me remember to pray again. It is about 6 km from my boarding house to Mangrove Ecotourism. Hmmm i cant believe i made 12 KM that day.

At night i felt very tired maybe because it had been long time i never did any training. few months ago i run everyday and sit up everyday. But i quit cus i am too lazy. I know i shouldnt be but laziness wins. That night my leg felt so hurt that it was hard for me to sleep but in the morning i felt fresh again. Like i am rejuvenated. ha ha ha.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sego megono is very popular menu in Central java especially in Pekalongan, Purworejo, Temanggung and Wonosobo. each city has its own typical of sego megono.
Sego means rice. Megono derives from javanese Mego means cloud and gegana which means weapon. A reference said the history of sego megono started on dutch collonialization in Indonesia when people tried to make nice menu for the geurillas. As at that time meat and vegetables were rare. Megono is nice without meat or chicken.
Sego Megono is made of rice that is mixed with vegetables like cabbage, teri (dried fish), long bean, and cocunut.In Wonosobo my hometown, Megonoto is menu for traditional ceremony to thank God. Usually my mother make megono before we harvest rice paddy, before we moved to out new house,or just thank God for His blessing. Usually with Megono my mother prepared Ingkung. Ingkung is wholle chicken that is cooked with curry untill its welldone. It is very yummy. :)
When you visit Wonosobo... try megono for breakfast with tempe kemul. Tempe kemul is friend tempe with delicious flour. Once you tried you will never forget the taste and want some more.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


This writting is inspired by conversation among me, my mother and my sister in law at night. Tomorrow we will cook to celebrate my nephew's circumsized. This is very comon when a kid circumsived the family makes celebration for this. Actually he had been circumsized 2 weeks ago, but the celebration held after my parents came to Surabaya. Usually my mother that cooks for every big event in his family.
Tomorrow we plan to make sega megana, chicken and deliver then on box to neighbour. This night we prepare the box for tomorrow. The box is beautifully decorated with batik motives. My sister wants to make the parcel looks traditional. Batik decorations and banana leaves instead of paper.

We are thinking that it would be nice and more traditional if we use besek instead of this batik decorated paper box.
when i was in Junior hi school, everytime a family had celebration usually besek is used as box. Besek is made of bamboo. As time goes by, people start to leave this tradition to use besek as box for food. People now use paper box or i find our neighbour in my village use plastic box.
It is going to be nice when people use besek as food box again. Why?
1. besek can last more than paper. Paper box is thrown to bin after used but besek can be used as spices box like my mother does at home
2. using besek is like preserving indonesian tradition
3. Using besek is good for micro industri
4. Besek is cheaper than paper and it is environmentaly friendly.

I think using local product is better than using modern product. I am so proud using local things. Local things makes unique. i am studying tourism, and i find that the offering of traditional ceremonies in bali or java also influenced by this modern shift. If Balinese usually formerly used local fruits for offering like green apples and green orange so it looks like really sacred ritual. But now we can see that the offering is very colorful and it makes less sacred in my opinion. Cu they use Fuji apples and china orange.

I am maybe too different than any other friends of mine. My friends live with me they prefer Fuji apples or orange from china that have very bright attractive orange colors. I love the taste of Malang Apples and Orange better than those fruits from other. It tastes fresher and watery. Buy them at local market where it is still fresh and no preservative and wax cus it is distributed to local market only, unlike those products from other continents or other countries.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kasembon Rafting, Malang-East Java

I love nature and adventure, so last weekend me and friends went to Kasembon, Malang Regency for rafting. For me this is the second time i tried this sport.

Kasembon is located in Malang, close to the border to Kediri regency. The route to reach Kasembon from Surabaya is very easy.
Surabaya - Mojoagung, Mojokerto - Ngoro - Kandangan - Kasembon.This trip will takes 2-2,5 hours.
And to return to Surabaya we can take the route from Kasembon to Malang, which can give you nice scenery along the trip.

Kasembon is a nice village with sawah (rice paddy) and nice people. And you can enjoy gazebo if you want to stay there. Each Gazebo's capacity is for 4 people and there are 8 gazebos available there.

For me it is such an amazing experience to do white water rafting as a beginner. I have never ever tried this before.
The sources of Sumberdandang River of Kasembon are cisterns, one of the cisterns is Selorejo Cistern. So even on dry season, the river is representative for rafting as the debt can be adjusted.
Kasembon rafting has 7.5 km rafting route. For beginners.. they can finish the route for 2 hours. And it has 5 canals with 2 to 3 meters, with 2nd and 3rd grade difficulty that fits either pro or beginner. And other advantages of the routes are the nice scenery along the river with farmers, green paddies, and people bathing. If you raft in the late afternoon, you can see beautiful sunset from the back of mountain. Have you ever thought of doing rafting at night? night rafting is available at Kasembon during dry season.

First opened on December 9th 2006, now this rafting site is getting more popular and visited by domestic and foreign visitors. Opened by Mr Sujudi , Malang City Mayor. Now it is completed with Gazebo, Souvenir Shop, Mushola and catering is also available here.

Usually tourist go rafting after trekk to Mt Bromo. Get tour operator for this kind of tour.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Rafting has been a popular outdoor sport that give an extreme experience with the turbulence of the water. In USA it is popular as white water rafting.This activities use rubber rafts that is very sturdy and flexible. To proper the raft through the water, rafters use paddles. The capacity of the rafts can be 10 to 12. So it takes a team work.The excitement of rafting derives from the level of river turbulence, or rapids. The rafting risk and class comes from the changes in elevation to the riverbed, rocks or other obstacles in the water, and flow from snow melt and rainNow rafting is available not only for professional but also for amateur and family rafting.Hear are things that you need to prepare to go rafting :- Rafting Shoes that will protect you from sharp rocks in the river in case you fall. Do not wear sandals /slipper because it is risky to lose.-Wear T-Shirt and trousers/short like parachute or Lycra fabric that will dry immediately-Sunglasses -Sun Screen Cream to protect your skin from ultraviolet-Clothes for change-Mineral water to avoid dehydration during your rafting fun

Monday, February 8, 2010

Remain of Majapahit Empire-Trowulan-Mojokerto

Located 1 hour from Surabaya, and easy to reach. Trowulan located in Mojokerto Regency.Trowulan is rich of majapahit empire sites and until now it is assumed to be the capital of Majapahit Empire, which reigned almost all part of Indonesia and reached its heyday at the 14th century.
Few there are many remains but mostly are only ruins. And it is assumed also that there are still many remain that are still burried under the ground.In October 2009 Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Indonesia submitted Trowulan as UNESCO World Heritage list. Excavation showed that Trowulan once was a very dense area. These are Majapahit Empire remains you can witness in Trowulan:

1. Kolam Segaran (Segaran Pool)
Found by Ir maclain Pont in 1926 and had be restorated few times, in 1966, 1974 and 1926 when Mojokerto first mayor reigned.
Pool's size is 375 m x175 m, and depth 2,88 m, wall's thickness is 1,6 m. The construction is made of bricks. those bricks were rub on its each side so bricks attach to each other. The water flows from the south east part of the pool. The sources of the wopeater are from Balong Bunder and balong Dawa and rainfall. The average of depth is 1,5 M to 2 M.

Kolam Segaran was build to be a dam for royal family, and training site for knights of Majapahit.In Negarakertagama this pool is similarly refers to LAKE, expert says.

The myth that spread among the local community, Kolam Segaran was once the place to
hold welcome party for empire's guest from abroad. The dish to serve the guest were made of gold and when the party was over the dishes were thrown to the pool. Segaran village was once the Grand Kitchen for Majapahit. Other myth that is believed by the people is that the water of Kolam Segaran that water the rice paddy's arround makes the rice taste delicious.

2. Candi Brahu
Built by Mpu Sendok, the King of Kahuripan Kingdom in 861 Saka or 9 Sept 939 M. Brahu derived from Wanaru or warahu, a name of sacred building in Alasantan Inscription which is found 45 m from the temple. This temple's function is to put the ash of Majapahit Kings. Brawijaya I,II,III and IV. This temple is 25 M X 20.70 M and made of red bricks.
Although there is no proof that the temple is budha, but the style and the remain of foundation profile showed it is budha one. At the vicinity of the temple were found artefact and old stuff from of ceremonial instrument made of metal, jewellery, gold stuff and metal statues with budha typical stuffs.

3. Candi Tikus (Tikus/mouse Temple)
This temple was found in 1914 when this was experiencing plague of rats and suddenly the rat was desapeared to a hole on the ground.Regent of Mojokerto Kromojoyo Adinegoro ordered to dig where the hole located and thats when the Tikus Temple/ Rats Temple was located.
According to Negarakertagama, there was a bathing place for royal family that it was assumed to be candi Tikus. And other opinion from Bennet Kempers in 1954, this temple was built related to symbolize mahameru Mountain and holy water in hindu myth. But according AS Wibowo this building was the barometer of dams in Majapahit.

4. Candi Bajang Ratu
It is the shape of Padureksan type of gate. This gate was made of red brick and andesit rocks for ladders. This temple is decorated with kala, lion, legged dragon, sun and Sri Tanjung Story with protecting function. At the right wing is decorated with Ramayana Epic reliefs.

This gate was built to commemorate the death of King Jayanegara in 1250 Saka or 1320 BC. Bajangratu means young king, as King Jayanegara became king when he was very young.

According to the relief,It is predicted to be built in 13-14 century and once restored in 1992.

Other interesting things you can see here is : Museum with many majapahit artefacts displayed, gentong Temples, Kedaton Temples, Raden Wijaya Grave, Wringin Lawang Temple, Statue Carving, casting home industries.

For this tour you can do the tour individually or else you can get an arranged tour package to Trowulan by good tour operator in Surabaya.


For this tour you can do the tour individually or else you can get an arranged

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Experiencing Giyanti Village in Wonosobo

Giyanti is located around 4 KM from the highway to Wonosobo and approximately 9 KM from the heart Wonosobo. Giyanthi is a typical a village in Java with thick javanese culture. The people are friendly and work as farmers. Though the world is getting more modern, the people of Giyanti still maintain their way of life and the traditional culture. Thats why in 1999, this village is officially becoming Tourism Village of Wonosobo.

This village offers lengger (embleg) performance for tourist at night or day as ordered. For this a pendopo for this performance has been established. Usually foreign tourist order the tour at night and this cultural tour will give the tourist a unique experience, cus the trip to Giyanti is like trip to very remote rural which you must pass dark narrow farming area with silence ambiance and night animals singing.

Unlike other village, this relatively small village has 3 house to pray for moslem, for catholic and for Javanese belief. And those three adherents live in a harmony and holding hands with each other. You can see from how they participate in Nyadran Ritual Ceremony where every family and every one in the village participate.

Nyadran Ritual is held annually every Jum'at Kliwon (Friday 13th) in the month of Sura according to Javanese calendar. And it is held to thank God for the blessings of bountiful earth and village well being. The ritual is started by parade that is led by village old man and they go to the cemetary of Giyanti founders, Adipati Mertoloyo, the follower of Prince Diponegoro after the great war with dutch in 1825-1830 and then he refuge to Giyanti. Then proceed to pray at the graves of Kiai Monyet dan Mbah Kertojanti which are located at the same place. The old man prayed in Islam way but also use Hindu ritual like offering and incense. Javanese adopts easily cultures that comes to the community and mix it. The ritual then continued in the village where colorful banners row along the village street. At the village street women are ready with tenongan, a bamboo bin with jajan pasar (traditional food) and fruits inside. They dress in javanese village dress. Very impressive to see the parades moving to pendapa where Pak Parno, a respectable man tells a story about Giyanti Village and its tradition. Adipati Mertoloyo developing art, farming, and culture around 1832, that until now it is commemorated as the anniversary of Giyanti Village. The ritual is followed by wayang kulit (shadow puppet show) and other traditional performances.

If you visit this village in a day, you can visit local people makind traditional Javanese masks, puppets, and bamboo handicraft. Here you can also order tour to dress in embleg dancer costumes.

Tips to visit Giyanti Village
1. From Jogja
Take bus to Magelang from Giwangan bus Station. From Magelang take bus to Wonosobo and stop by at
Binangun Vegetable Market (Pasar Sayur Binangun). And take Ojek to Giyanti
2. Best Time to visit is Sura Month when Nyadran is held
3. If you visit Wonosobo and also want to enjoy this, order from tour operator to arrange for you. You can to
watch in a group so it will cost you cheaper.
4. Or you can get your tours from Jogja, Dieng and Giyanti arranged by tour operator.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trekk To Ijen Crater

Ijen Crater is crater lake with 960 X 600 m, and located at the height of 2.148 m asl with depth 200m.
Located in Banyuwangi and Bondowoso regency and can be reached from both routes.
From Banyuwangi
If you are from Bali then this is the route that you take.
Banyuwangi to Sasak Perot/Banjarsari by Bemo (small public transport)
Sasak Perot to Licin by Minibus
Licin to Sodong via Jambu by Plantation Truck/Ojek/Travel Coach
Sodong to Paltuding by Truck or Ojek
Paltuding (1,600 m asl) to Ijen Crater by trekking
But if you are on group you can rent take land rover from Banyuwangi to Paltuding.

From Bondowoso
From Bondowoso, you can take Minibus to Wonosari then to Sukosari and then take another bus to Sempol. Sempol is where you can find humble room to stay. Or you can stay at Belawan that is located 3 km from Sempol where you can also enjoy natural hot water that is managed by local people.
Sempol (800 mdpl) to Paltuding is 13 Km so you better hire vehicle in Sempol to get there.

From Paltuding you must trek to reach Ijen Crater. The route is not that steep so it is save enough for family holiday destination. When i was there to trekk i even meet an old woman of 60 years old and a kid of 6 years old that reach the top of the mountain to see Ijen. And on the way you mill meet men sulphur from Ijen to bring it down. They can carry 85 kg sulphur and usually just carry once down a day. This sulphur is used for medicine, chemical and i heard also to whiten sugar.
After round 1.5 hours trekking, we will arrive at Pondok Bunder, a base camp that was built by dutch to watch the active crater. Pondok bunder now is the base camp where the sulphur miner weight the load they carry.
From Pondok Bunder (2214 m asl) to top of mountain is just 30 minutes. To reach the crater we must go down the 800 m steep caldera wall. Yes it takes more energy but it worth with the experience you can see there. Down there you can see how the sulfur is mined from sublimed sulphur. The Sulphure is yielded by the sublimation of sulfuric gas on 200 °C solfatar fumes. And you know what the capacity of the sulphure yielded is 8 tons/day.

The scenery on top of mountain to crater is very pretty. The tosca green crater looks very tempting but it is very acid and hot, the temperature of the crater water is 36'C. The temperature at the crater rim can reach 5'C.

Note :
1. Prepare with wet handkerchief to prevent you inhale sulphur
2. Depart to Ijen round 6 am for save as in the evening the gas can be dangerous
3. If you are from Bromo you can visit Ijen from Bondowoso cus the road is better than from Banyuwangi
4. YOu can go independently or you can get arranged tour to ijen.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to Make a Cheap International Call From Indonesia

Being far from your home country when you are travelling is not a big deal anymore these days, as the advanced mode of telecommunication. This enables you to get in touch with your family or your friends easier. You can use email, chat window or internet conference with webcam and mic.
Phone call can be another option, but it is very expensive to use phone for international call. And the price is worse if you use hotel phone for that.
I have Tips for you to call your family or friends at your hometown from Indonesia.
  1. Buy Indonesian Number for your mobile. I recommend you to use TELKOMSEL number. (I use Kartu AS number). If you buy the number, to activate the number you must register your number to 4444. You can ask the vendor to help you to registrate.
  2. Now… How to make cheap call? For TELKOMSEL number (Kartu AS and Simpati) you can use code 01017 to call any country. I don’t really know how much this cost a second for a destination country. But Usually for a country like Australia, USA, Canada, Malaysia and Singapore is very cheap. Only less than Rp.1000 a minute. Or to Europe you can call round Rp.3500/ minutes. (a second Rp.40). Example : 01017 and followed by the number you want to call like 316147789** ( for Holland)
  3. Other cheap code you can use is 01052. This code can be used to call cheaper to limited countries. I ever call Canada number with this code and I just charged less than Rp.1.500 / 4 minutes.



Mt Bromo is one of the most popular destination in Indonesia. It is a must destination for international traveler in Indonesia.
Mt Bromo is located in the midst of caldera with diameter 16 KM which is known as Sea of Sand. Bromo with its active crater always smokes and you can smell the sulphur aroma. Mt Bromo isnt the highest mountain on Sea of Sand, there are other mounts there. Mt Bromo (2.392m) MT Batok (2.470m) Mt Kuris (2,581m) Mt Watangan (2.662m) dan MT Widodaren (2.650m).
The tour usually accentuate the sunrise that can be seen via MT Penanjakan (2774M) The road to Mt Penanjakan is narrow and curving so suggested that you use 4x4. From Penanjakan then head to see the rim of Bromo crater. (1.392 above sea level). you can ride horse back or trekk to the stairways.
Transportation available by landrover that can be reserve on site.
Temperature here ranges from 0 to 10 deg, the coldest is before the sunrise.
The sunrise will take place at around 05.20 – 05.40 AM depend on season, the best time to see the sunrise would be around at May – September (no rainfall within that month).
Annually, Tenggerese Hindu who live here hold Kasada Ceremony to commemorate

Mt Bromo is located 4 regency, Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan and Lumajang.
There are two common routes to Mt Bromo, via Pasuruan and via Probolinggo.

Well, a friend of mine promised me to pay all of my expenses if he accompany me to go to Mt Bromo. And sure thats a nice offer. I havent been there though i have been living in Surabaya, East Java for 2 years. :).
When he arrived in Surabaya then we plan to go to Bromo via Probolinggo, as i heard this is the easiest way to get there. But then he said that the ATM machine has eated his ATM in Jakarta. Oh my.......And he had complained to his Bank in his country about this but the bank had not given him any response yet.
Alright we made a deal that we would use my money to for transport but then he had to return the money to me as he promised me that he would pay all of my expenses in this trip. And he would use his credit card to pay the hotel.

We depart in the morning to Bungur Asih terminal in Surabaya, then take economy bus to Probolinggo. We paid Rp. 14.000 each person and it took 3 hours approximately. We stopped at the Probolinggo bus station and then take public transport to Bromo. People in the bus station usually will as you where you will go and if they see you with backpack then they will know you will go to Bromo. Oh ya from the bus station to Cemoro Lawang is charged Rp. 15.000. And took round 1 hour.

All the way from the bus station to Cemoro Lawang was a nice landscape with green trees and beautiful little hills. Guess what is my friend reaction when we arrived at Cemara Indah hotel and see the scenery of the Sea of Sand? Thats the most beautiful scenery ha had ever seen. :).

When we about to check in, my friend said if it was possible to pay the hotel credit card, but the reception said it is not possible. Hmmmmmm. I was thinking that maybe we wont sleep and wait till 3 PM to see the sunrise as we had paid the Land Rover. My friend looked at me and said sorry. The trip wasnt smooth as we expected. :). well thats the beauty of an adventure :)

But then a young man with Brazil soccer costume approached the reception desk with his big back pack and asking for a room. But only 1 room available, so he offered us to share room with him and he would pay. This Brazilian man also lend my friend money. Lucky us .... :)

Afternoon we walked to the surrounding the hotel. Very interesting to see farmers with their potatoes field. And also tenggerese walking with their horses. The sun that set in the west shine beautifully to every object arround us. We took many nice pics there.

It was freezing at night. I am prepared with jacket and hat and gloves. but i still feel freezing. The Brazilian man really felt the cold like he had flu and his body is shivering. We woke up at 3 and prepared to go to see sunrise and land rover was waiting outside. A man knocked our door and offer jacket as it was very cold outside in the morning at MT Penanjakan. I didnt rent the jacket, also my friend. But the Brazilian man rent one for Rp.20.000. He didnt prepare for the cold weather in Indonesia as he thought that tropical country has warm air. :)

The Land rover passangers were 8. 6 at the back seats and 2 at the front seats. It stopped at the foot of Mt Penanjakan, and we had to climb this mount to get to the best site to view the popular Bromo spectacular sunrise. It takes round 30 Minutes to get to the viewing area. My friend hurt his forehead as it was dark and no lighting.
Many foreigners tourist there. Mostly Dutch and French. Few went with grup on schedule trip and few are individual tourist.
THE SUNRISE was very amazing. With a very nice gradient of blue and orange and res at the horizone. Mt Semeru looked pretty nice and accentuate the landscape. Hmm i love the panorama so much.

Roung 6 00 am we decent MT Penanjakan and returned to Land Rover to head to Mt Bromo. Land Rover park at the sea of sand which surround the mountain. To get to the mountain, we had to trekk through the sea of sand or to ride by horse (charged Rp.70.000-Rp.90.000). We preferred walking as we saw many older people walk. We dont want to be spoiled persons from the city :) Even if we rode by horse we still had to climb 248 steps of stairways to reach the summit of Mt Bromo. Not that easy, but it was fun and satisfied when at last we arrived there. We took off our jacket as we felt so hot as the sun has shone and as we exercised a lot with hiking and climbing.

Finally with panting breath we arrived there. We conquered the stairways. We took pics and strolled circle the rater lips. I love it when we look down and mist float over the sea of sand. I can see Hindu temple lying mysteriously down there.

Round 9 we return to hotel, shower, breakfast then return to Surabaya by car. We paid 15.000 each person to probolinggo bus station.

1.Bring Flash light
2.Bring warm Clothing and gloves and cotton trousers, if not Jacket Rental is available there.
3.ATM is available close to Cemara Indah Hotel (BNI ATM)
4.Reserve Land Rover for 275.000 Rupiah. So when you want to get a land rover better managed with other tourist to get best price, then you order individually.
5.If you arrive in in daylight, afternoon you can stroll and i guarantee you can get good pictures.
6.Visit Bromo at dry season round May – September
7.I suggest you to stay in a hotel closest to the caldera.

Hotel BROMO Available plus price:
1. Hotel Raya Bromo :
Desa Sukapura, Bromo area 67254, East Java - Indonesia
Phone : (0335) 581103-5, Fax : (0335) 581142
2. Lava View Lodge Rp. 160.000-750.000
3. Lava Cafe Lava Rp. 75.000-Rp. 150.000
4. Bromo Permai : Rp. 88.000-Rp.462.000
5. Yoschi's : Rp.75.000-Rp.400.000
6. Cemara Indah : Rp. 75.000-Rp. 600.000

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Exploring Alas Purwo National Park......Banyuwangi East Java

Here is my experience visiting one of the most interesting National Park in Java.

Alas Purwo National Park located in Banyuwangi (5 hours from Surabaya). Right on the tip of Java Island.Javanese believe that this jungle is the beginning (purwa) of all. According to Javanese legend, Alas Purwo is the first land appeared from the ocean.

This National Park is 434,2 KM square and rich of wildlife inside especially bull, dear, and peacock.
Alas Purwo is also where you can fine caves that are used as meditation caves. They are Istana Caves, and Padepokan Caves.

I went there to Istana Caves the inside of the cave laid a humble board seemed like to be used as bed with statue and incense and offering. It was quiet dark but a man offer me a flashlight. Inside the cave i met a young men with long hair and he has been living in the cave for years. I went inside with two men from Australia and South Africa. At the end of the cave there is a tunnel, very small tunnel that we had to bend over, and sure took off our shoes as the bottom was water to the ankle. The length of the tunnel was just 3 meters approximately. and at the end of the tunnel there was a small cave room with oferring and incence and.... bats. The bats looks calm and do not feel they were disturbed by us.
The path to caves are very interesting to enjoy too cus you can see creek and lush bamboo is all around. You will meet few people on site they usually have purpose to meditate.

Hindu people visit Pura Agung in the mids of Alas Purwo to celebrate Pagerwesi that is celebrated once in 210 days.

Alas Purwo National Park is rich of flora and fauna. It is the home lutung budeng (Trachypithecus auratus auratus), bull (Bos javanicus javanicus), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), peacock (Pavo muticus), The Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus), deer (Cervus timorensis russa), The Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas), dan The Leopard Cat (Prionailurus bengalensis javanensis). And other protected animals such as Olive Ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), The Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), and Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas). Those turtles usually go to the shore between Januari to September.

Sadengan Savanna 80 ha pastures where you can see wild bull, barking deer, wild pig, peacock, jungle fowl and many kind of birds. The wild animals are grassing and can be seen in the morning and afternoon from the viewing tower.

Located in the midst of Alas Purwo national Park. The G derives from Grajagan bay. G-Land is naturally completed with waves for beginner to the most advanced surfer.

My First Visit in Alas Purwo (An Adventure)
After visiting Baluran National Park, me and my friend fron Banyuwangi then planeed to visit Alas Purwo hmmm we are curious how G-Land is :). We were 2 girls travel alone to the jungle which are no common for javanese :)
We went by her motorbike. And guess what happened...... the road were no good for motor bike of hers, we had flat tyre. When we arrived Pancur, we left the motor in front of Mushola (mosque). And we continue our trip to G-Land on food.
At first we follow the road which is dark as the trees were tall. So we chose to fringe the shore.
My friend loves shore very much she was exited to see white sandy beach. Walking thru the sand we felt like it was our island or something, cus there was no one. Just us, and quiet. Only the waves that broke. My friend changed her trousers to short pants like she did in a private bathroom. :)
It was hot but we still prefer to follow the coast line. it took 3 hours approximately to G-Land. Pancur to G-Land is 9 Km.
We saw surfers and we knew that we arrived to one of the best surf beach.
It was afternoon and we knew we couldnt return on foot to Pancur cus we were exhausted so we managed to sleep at G-Land. Luckily there is a 3 floor surfer tower. I met a very kind young men that lent us pillow and blanket so we can sleep well on the 3rd floor of the tower. :)
But we awake until late at night cus we joined with young men with guitar and singing with bonfire. HMmm it was so peaceful...... the song..... the guitar....the moon .....and the sea that started to tide.

In the morning, we returned to Pancur by logistic truck. We had to wait until the tyre repaired. There is no tyre in the jungle so we had to ask someone who wanted to go to town to buy for us. Luckily there is a man who had to ride his gf home for her visit. Afternoon at 6 PM we head back to Banyuwangi.

My Second Visit To Alas Purwo (in group)
This visit less adventure and not that hard like my first experience :)
I went there with my campuss friends. We went buy 27 seats bus, and stop at the entrance gate of Alas Purwo where we had to pay entrance fee. We had luch box there.
In this trip we were accompanied by a ranger as our guide. We rode by Land Rover to G-Land and the to Sadengan Savanna and Ngagelan Beach to see turtle captivity ( i didnt visit these palce on my first trip)
Ngagelan is pretty interesting. Here you can see baby turtle and turtle eggs that were burried under the sand. Turtle lying eggs in the middle of the night is one of the most interesting tour to do. For this tour you must stay overnight at Triangulasi where accomodation is available for Rp. 50.000.

Banyuwangi-Pasaranyar :65 km (by car)
Pasaranyar-Trianggulasi :12 km (by car)
Trianggulasi-Plengkung :10 km (by land rover)